Crash Course in Romance has been topping the list of most buzzworthy dramas since its release. Not only because of the prominent actors starring in this Kdrama but also the fascinating storyline that makes it worth watching. Here are some funniest moments in Crash Course in Romance that will burst you into laughter.
SPOILER ALERT, continue reading with caution.
Funniest Moments in Crash Course in Romance
1. The Dirty Bucket
Nam Haeng Seon has just finished cleaning her store’s window when Choi Chi Yeol comes. However, it is unexpected to be one of the funniest moments in Crash Course in Romance. Haeng Son accidentally threw the dirty water right into Chi Yeol’s face! It is more amusing to see Chi Yeol’s speechless reaction.

2. The Bowing Competition
Right after the dirty bucket incident, Nam Hae Yi comes home and finds out her favorite superstar teacher is there arguing with her mom. And things get more interesting after that.
Both Haeng Son and Chi Yeol feel that they must apologize to prevent something terrible. But it ends up as an “apologizing competition” between them.

3. The Belt that Reveals Everything
After accompanying Haeng Seon to drink at the convenience store, Chi Yeol fell asleep at Haeng Son’s home. When Chi Yeol is about to go home in the morning, he meets Ji Dong Hee and Kim Young Joo in front of Haeng Son’s house.
Worse is, Haeng Son comes out from her home holding Chi Yeol’s belt. Uh-oh! The belt will reveal what has been hidden so far.
4. An Unexpected Catch
In Episode 3, there is a scene when Nam Hae Yi loses her balance and begins to fall back down the stair. While viewers expect something terrible will happen to Nam Hae Yi or someone will catch her romantically, the scene turns out to be hilarious.
At that time, Seo Geon Hu catches Nam Hae Yi but not with his arms. Instead, he uses his leg to catch Hae Yi and defy gravity.
other kdramas: *girl falls into his arms and catch her*
— kath (@kdramatreats) January 21, 2023
meanwhile crash course in romance be like:
5. The Triangle Love
After the unexpected catch, the story becomes more exciting as it happens that Geon Hu likes Hae Yi. There comes the love triangle between Seo Geon Hu, Lee Sun Jae, and Nam Hae Yi. How Geon Hu and Sun Jae compete to get Hae Yi’s is just too cute.
Isn’t Crash Course in Romance the perfect rom-com we need? Which funniest scene is your favorite? Share your thoughts in the comment section below and stay with Kpoppost Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram channel for more updates.
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