Meet the extraordinary Lee Min Ki in “Crash,” an upcoming Korean drama with massive anticipation! With an astonishing IQ of 158, his character’s journey alongside the talented Kwak Sun Young and Heo Sung Tae is set to captivate audiences. Prepare for a storyline where intellect meets intrigue and unexpected twists redefine drama! Join us as we uncover the complete plot and characters in the following report.
Lee Min Ki to Star in New Korean Drama with Kwak Sun Young and Heo Sung Tae
South Korea’s prominent actors Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, and Heo Sung Tae will soon star in the new comedy crime investigation drama, “Crash.” It will become his next project after “Behind Your Touch” and “Look At Me”.
On December 21, Star News’s exclusive report revealed that the “Crash” new Korean drama production team confirmed the casting of the three prominent actors.
This new drama is a project by the acclaimed director Park Joon Woo. He is the mastermind behind the successful and one of the highest-rating series, “Taxi Driver” (season 1). He also worked on a 2019 series, “Doctor Detective”, proving his expertise in leading Korean investigative series.
Today, the director returns with a new investigative Korean drama blends thrilling crime with hilarious comedy. And at the center of this new project are actors Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, and the veteran figure Heo Sung Tae.
“Crash” Storyline and Characters:
The new Korean drama, “Crash,” follows the story of Cha Yeon Ho, a rational individualist from KAIST, and Min So-hee, a traffic investigation ace with both calm judgment and warm sensitivity. They team up in an overlooked ‘Traffic Crime Investigation Team’, embarking on a bumbling yet gripping pursuit of crimes on the road.
Lee Min Ki portrays Cha Yeon Ho, a genius with an IQ of 158 and a Mensa membership. Mensa is an exclusive society for the top 2% of IQ scorers; it offers networking, events, and recognition for high-intellect individuals. Originally, Cha Yeon Ho had an early admission to KAIST at 18. Unfortunately, his character changed after an unexpected incident. Afterward, he becomes reclusive and turns to solitary.
Meanwhile, Kwak Sun Young steps into the shoes of Min So Hee, nicknamed ‘Judge Min’ in the Traffic Investigation Unit. Known for her sharp speech and confident demeanor, So-hee is a natural detective with exceptional Judo skills and a tenacity to solve cases against all odds.
Next, we have veteran actor Heo Sung Tae, playing the role of Jung Chae-man. He is the team leader and founder of the Traffic Crime Investigation Team. Chae Man is a former violent crime detective with an excessive competitive spirit. He then establishes the team in response to an incident, taking a stand against corruption within the police force.
When’s the Release Date?
Finally, prepare for “Crash,” the upcoming crime drama set to take the entertainment world by storm! With Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, and Heo Sung Tae leading the charge, this series promises a blend of wit, intellect, and heart-pounding action.
Are you excited to see their incredible performance, too? Share your anticipation and join the buzz about what’s shaping up to be one of the most thrilling Korean dramas on the horizon! “Crash” new Korean drama will reportedly air as soon as the first half of next year.
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Source: StarNews.